From Sprout to Blossom,

Let’s Grow Together!

A RYS Certified Yoga Instructor in the Twin Cities looking to support your journey to self-improvement in areas such as flexibility, strength, and balance and what I consider highly important to add is relaxation, stress reduction, and self-love.

I do this by traveling to your home, assisted living senior living home, working with a community center or business to make it more convenient for you to get this care into your day. I know we are all just people trying our best in everyday life and I want to help aid you in slowly working to be the person you want to be in life, as well as a friend. I work best with those just starting yoga, beginner-levels, those with limited mobility or barriers, and people who’d like to boost their mental health and attitude towards themselves.

Hi! I’m Terri!

Your Personal Traveling Yoga Guide.

Are you within or near this radius?

(15 minutes from Roseville, MN)

Awesome! Let’s work together!

Go to the Session Page to see what I offer and Email to discuss Booking it! Or if you have questions,

Go to the Contact Page or feel free to Email me at:

Types of Sessions

Stretch and Strengthen

$30/45 Minutes for 1-on-1; $25 per person 2+

Stretch and Strengthen is great for chair yoga, but can also be done in mostly seated, kneeling, and supine poses with a dash of standing poses thrown in. It covers the whole body with yoga flexing and bending to strengthen you up and aid in receiving better flexibility and balance to build up prevention against falls. It leaves you feel refreshed and relaxed both in mind and body. It’s great at any time of the day. Whether you want a morning wake up, an afternoon de-stressor, or an evening wind-down.

Healing Hatha Guidance

$45/Hour (includes both Breathwork and Meditation) per person

Looking to move to improve an awareness with the vessel you call your body? With my Healing Hatha Sessions we move slowly and be very mindful of our breath. I encourage students to focus on bodily sensations and feel their feelings as we go through the motions. It’s a perfect chance to learn more about yourself and grow to love yourself in your skin. Over time you’ll feel the improvement of power and focus well up inside you during and outside of sessions.

Mindfulness Circles

$160/Hour (minimum 4 People)

A fun one hour group session of learning about mindfulness techniques. We also get to eat snacks, meditate, and journal! The circle starts with introductions, ice breakers, and then we dive in with a mindful eating activity. From there we will have a thorough discussion what mindfulness is. We will practice a meditation and journal about our experiences. We will also brainstorm strategies and journal about how’d we like to incorporate it into our lives and the perfect moments to do so.

**Please note that large groups done with Senior Living Homes, Businesses, and Recreational Centers may vary based on number of people and time.

Book an Appointment

Wanna Book an Appointment with Terri & Bloom Yoga?

Send an email to check availability at!

**A Free Consultation is needed before we start so that we can meet, discuss your goals and how I can best assist you, I can see the workspace, and we can go over the Waiver and Teacher/Student Etiquette form that will need to be signed before the first appointment.

“I am so excited you decided to take the leap and are making me part of your Support Team to aid you along in your Yoga Journey!

I look forward to working with you!”

-Terri S.

About Terri & Bloom Yoga

I’m Terri. As a black woman growing up in the Twin Cities I wasn’t introduced to Yoga till age 20 when my doctor recommended it to help with weight loss and the mental health issues I was struggling with at that time. I felt stupid doing these '“Zen” poses and too embarrassed in my body where I could barely reach past my knees to do it in groups. As someone who couldn’t do many modes of exercise, I found myself continuously coming back to yoga at home on my own. I found free videos online and soon 7 minutes turned into 10, and 10 into 15, and so on.

Soon I was seeing improvement in my flexibility and ability to move more freely. I started dancing again which I loved to do as a child, started getting into other types of exercises, and found that I was gaining an improved self-esteem and wanted a healthier lifestyle for myself. My depression was slipping away from me and with yoga replacing it, it was showing a shining star of a person who wanted to live their best life!

I traveled, delved into hobbies, got married, built healthy relationships, and worked hard to turn life around. Yoga was a constant in my life. I am not a “Picture Perfect Yogi” by any means. I eat what I want, don’t do Yoga everyday, and still can’t do advance Yoga poses like inversions, hand balances, or bend all crazy! Haha

I’m aware that everyone is trying their best to do what they can in this busy world yet it is still overwhelming and stressful for most of us.

Knowing that, I wanted to help others with Yoga as it helped me mentally (working daily on improving mental health), emotionally (finding self-love and self-compassion for myself), and physically (Yoga helped me manage weight and chronic pain). I believe Yoga is a medicine that, with time, can help people find a peace of mind, clarity, and love plus so much more within and for themselves. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. We need to be supported so that we can continue to support those around us. This is how I service the world, is through teaching Yoga to others with BLOOM YOGA so that we can all be in a good place to do our best, smile, and share our happiness with others so the world is a more enjoyable and full of filled hearts.

Contact Terri

Interested in working together or have questions? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. I can’t wait to hear from you! And thank you for visiting the site!